September 29, 2010

Walks In The Rain

So I should probably be working on an English paper that's due this Friday right now, but I'm a little busy keeping this blog updated.


So the other day, I was reading on Misty Edward's Facebook wall how she likes going for walks in the rain because she loves to hear "Heaven's symphony play her name in melodious thunder." Well quite honestly, I was curious to know what she meant. I've always respected her relationship with God, so I knew that I had to try it. Just once.

But now I'm hooked.

I absolutely love walking in the rain while praying now. It's such an awesome experience to pray and seek God's attributes in nature as I feel the water flow down my face. I can't really compare it to anything else I've ever done. I'm hoping to open the door to God's divine favor in my life by showing Him that I mean business. For real.

I look at those prominent figures of the Bible, and how they were constantly proving they meant business to God by spending time seeking after Him, so I figured I should do the same. I mean, It's hard sometimes to keep leading worship when I can't seem to see the immediate fruits of my labor. Occasionally, I'll even wonder if doing all that work of planning a set, making copies, and practicing music is really worth it. So as I continue to walk in the rain and seek after my True Love, I pray that He'll look down from Heaven and say, "Well done."

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I'm so thankful for God's wonderful revelations in your life! I thank Him for impessing His love, peace and comfort in your life.

    Not to be corny, bu we knew when you were born that God had something special for you -- the enemy knew that too and tried to take your life at birth -- but to God be the glory!

    Taylor, I want to thank you for opening up your soul and allowing the Lord to minister to you, so you can in turn pour into the lives of EVERYONE that hears your music.

    Love you sweetie!!!
